APGCL Recruitment 2020: 48 Sahayak Vacancy

APGCL Recruitment 2020

APGCL Recruitment 2020, invites applications from the experienced candidates presently engaged as
outsourced personnel directly under APGCL.

Name Of Posts: Sahayak
No Of Posts: 48 nos

Qualification: Passed Class — VIII examination from Govt. School/School recognized by Govt. of Assam.

Experience: Outsourced personnel under the direct engagement of APGCL, as casual Sahayak, casual Chowkidar, casual Pump operator, etc. & who have rendered service for not less than a minimum period of 5 (five) years as of 05.12.2020, on the condition that the concerned Head of the establishment/Controlling authority not below the rank of DGM/GM, would certify the eligibility of 5 (five) years or 1780 days of engagement in APGCL, in last 7 (seven) years and must be supported by full payment records certified by the controlling authority, not below the rank of DGM/GM.

Salary: Pay Band: Rs 12,400/-Rs 47,400/- Grade Pay: Rs 4,500/-

Application Fee: The candidate should pay the application fee of Rs. 500/- only for General/ OBC & MOBC categories and Rs.250/- only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe categories, payable by Demand Draft to be pledged in favour of the Deputy General Manager (F&A), Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati – 781001.

HOW TO APPLY APGCL Recruitment 2020:

Applications and experience certificate along with payment records in the prescribed format (available in APGCL’s website www.apgcl.org) duly completed and signed, along with certified photocopies of all relevant documents in support of age, educational qualifications, application fees, identity proof, recent passport size color photograph, etc. are to be sent to ‘The General Manager (HR), APGCL, 3rd Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781001’

Last Date: 18.12.2020 (5:00 PM)

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