NIHFW Recruitment 2020: 09 Professor, Reader, Officer Vacancy

NIHFW Recruitment 2020:

NIHFW Recruitment 2020, Application are invited for 09 Professor, Reader, Officer Vacancy in The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare.

Name Of Posts:

  1. Professor (Reproductive Bio-Medicine)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Medical qualification included in the first or the second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13(3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
2) Postgraduate degree in Surg./Med./Obst. & Gynae./ Such as MD/MS or equivalent degree of a recognized University.
3) Four years experience as Reader / Associate Professor in the subject concerned in Medical College or in an equivalent grade in a teaching/training/research institution.
4) Evidence of published work of high quality during the last 4 years.

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.37400-67000 + AGP 10000+NPA / Level-14

  1. Professor (Epidemiology)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Medical qualification included in the first or the second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13 (3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
2) Postgraduate degrees such as MD (CHA)/ MD (PSM)/ MD (Community Medicine) or an equivalent degree of a recognized University / Institute.
3) Four years experience as Reader / Associate Professor in the subject concerned in a Medical College or in an equivalent grade in a research/training institution.
4) Evidence of published work of high quality during the last 4 years

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.37400-67000 + AGP 10000+NPA / Level-14

  1. Reader (Reproductive Bio-Medicine) – Medical
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Medical qualification included in the first or the second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13(3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
2) Postgraduate degree in Surg. / Med. / Obst. & Gynae. / such as MD/ MS or equivalent degree of a recognized University / Institute.
3) Five years experience as Lecturer / Assistant Professor in the subject concerned in a Medical College / recognized Institution.
4) Evidence of published work of high quality during the last 5 years

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.15600-39100+AGP 8000 + NPA / Level-12

  1. Reader (RBM) – Non-Medica
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Good academic record with at least 50% marks in Master’s degree in Physiology, Zoology or Biochemistry with specialization in Reproductive Endocrinology from a recognized University / Institution.
2) Doctoral degree in Physiology/Zoology/Biochemistry/Male contraception/Reproductive Endocrinology or equivalent published work in the concerned area from a recognized university/institution.
3) Five years of experience of teaching in undergraduate / post-graduate classes and/or post-doctoral research work.
4) Evidence of published work of high quality during the last five years.

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.15600-39100+AGP 8000/ Level-12

  1. Reader (Community Health Administration)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Medical qualification included in the first or the second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13(3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
2) Postgraduate degree such as MD (CHA) / MD (PSM) / MD (Community Medicine) or an equivalent degree of a recognized University / Institute.
3) Five years experience as Lecturer / Assistant Professor in the subject concerned in a Medical College/recognized Institute.
4) Evidence of published work of high quality during the last 5 years

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.15600-39100+AGP 8000 + NPA / Level-12

  1. Assistant Professor (Education & Training)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Medical qualification included in the first or the second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13 (3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
2) Post graduate degree such as MD (CHA) / MD (PSM)/ MD (Community Medicine) / or an equivalent degree from a recognized University / Institute.
3) At least 3 years of teaching/training/ research experience as a Demonstrator/Tutor/ Registrar/Resident in the subject concerned.

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.15600-39100+AGP 6000+NPA / Level-10

  1. Assistant Professor (RBM-Clinic)
    No Of Posts: 02 nos


1) Medical qualification included in the first or the second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13 (3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
2) Post graduate degree in Surgery/ Medicine/ Obst. & Gynae or equivalent degree from a recognized University / Institute.
3) At least 3 years teaching / training/ research experience as Demonstrator/Tutor/ Registrar/Resident in the Medicine, Surgery Obst. / Gynae.

Scale of pay: (pre-revised) Rs.15600-39100+AGP 6000+NPA / Level-10

  1. Research Officer (HG)
    No Of Posts: 01 nos


1) Master’s degree in Behavioral Science/ Economics/ Statistics/ Demography/ Operation Research, Management Sciences/ Public Administration/ Environmental Sciences/ Education/ Public Health Nursing etc. (as per requirement of the post) of a recognized university or equivalent.
2) 3 years of research experience of conducting research/ evaluation in the concerned discipline

Age: 35 to 50 yrs

Application Fee For NIHFW Recruitment 2020:

A crossed Indian Postal Order / Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- in favor of Director, The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi payable at New Delhi, must accompany the application.

No fee for Women, SC/ST, Physically handicapped and the departmental candidates.

HOW TO APPLY For NIHFW Recruitment 2020:

Completed Application along with self-attested photocopies of certificates in support of educational qualifications, age, and proof of belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physical Handicapped and experience, etc. must be attached with Application Form, and it should reach the Director, The National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067 on or before 11.01.2021.

Last Date: 11.01.2021

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