SSA Recruitment 2020: Apply Online For 56 Graduate Teacher Posts Vacancy

SSA Recruitment 2020

SSA Recruitment 2020 is invited from intending candidates for recruitment in the following posts in different Adarsha Vidyalayas of Assam in the pay scale as mentioned in detail on the official website

Vacancy Details:

Name Of Posts:

1. Graduate Teacher, Arts
No Of Posts: 35 nos

Qualification: B.A/MA from recognized University with at least 50% of marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or it’s equivalent) and B.Ed Degree from National Council for Teacher Education recognized institution, but degrees obtained from off-campus and distance education institution shall not be considered as valid and TET (Secondary/Adarsha Vidyalaya/ CTET) Qualified.

Salary: Rs.14,000/- to 49,000/- (PB-II) plus Grade Pay of Rs. 8,700/- only

2. Graduate Teacher, Science
No Of Posts: 15 nos

Qualification: B.Sc./M.Sc from recognized University with at least 50% of marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or its equivalent) and B.Ed Degree from National Council for Teacher Education recognized institution, but degrees obtained from off-campus and distance education institution shall not be considered as valid and TET (Secondary /Adarsha Vidyalaya/ CTET) Qualified.

Salary: Rs.14,000/- to 49,000/- (PB-II) plus Grade Pay of Rs. 8,700/- only

3. Graduate Teacher, Hindi
No Of Posts: 06 nos

Qualification: Pravin/ Ratna in Hindi with 50% marks and degree qualification with 50% marks or Post Graduation degree in Arts with 50% marks from any recognized University, but degrees obtained from off-campus and distance education institution shall not be considered as valid,

OR B. A. with 50% marks and having Hindi as one of the subjects with 50% marks or Post Graduation degree in Arts with 50% marks provided that he/she has passed B.A with one of the subjects as Hindi with 50% marks in Hindi
B. Ed Degree from any recognized University (Parangat to be treated as B.Ed degree only for the purpose of Hindi Teaching), but degrees obtained from off-campus and distance education institution shall not be considered as valid and Special TET (Hindi)/ CTET Qualified.

Salary: Rs.14,000/- to 49,000/- (PB-II) plus Grade Pay of Rs. 8,700/- only

Age: A candidate must be not less than 18 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 1st January 2020. Relaxation of upper age limit will be applicable for SC, ST (P), ST (H) & PH candidates as per norms of Govt. of Assam.

Application Fee

For the post of GRADUATE TEACHER (ARTS/SCIENCE/HINDI) an application fee of Rs. 200/- only (for ST/ SC/PH candidates Rs.100/- only) must be submitted in the form of Demand Draft in favor of Mission Director, RMSA, Assam payable at Guwahati.
The envelope containing the Demand Draft (original) must be superscribed in bold letters “ APPLICATION FEE FOR THE POST OF (……… of the post…………….) IN ADARSHA VIDYALAYA” along with printed online application form.

The Demand Draft (original) should be sent to the address given below: Office of the Mission Director, Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhijan (RMSA), Assam SSA, Campus, Kahilipara, Guwahati, Assam, PIN-781019

HOW TO APPLY SSA Recruitment 2020

Eligible Candidates can apply online through official website.


Online Start: 06.08.2020 at 12.00 Noon
Last Date: 25.08.2020 at 12.00 Noon


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